Tuesday, April 19, 2011

super S(T)OAKED about SPRING.

Who found 3 mini super soakers in the back of their car? ME.

started spring break out with some shooting using cameras & water-guns-- heres a glimpse.

after the fun, i lost some wisdom:

best supporters ever.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Shake the dust from Anis Mojgani on Vimeo.

as much as Id love to call it my bucket list, it's really unofficial so ill just call it 'the list of things that I really wish I could do'

here are a few of them:
1. go on a dog sled in Alaska with Marie Helmy (ayo)
2.  ride an ostrich (wait but actually)
3. marry a youth pastor (ha, yep)
4. and, inspired by this guy to do slam poetry.. (sick right?)

anyways. ill add on to this more in about 27 hours when I'm sitting on a couch looking like a chipmunk because I will have just gotten my wisdom teeth out and I wont have anything else to do. ha perfect.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

inspired by DV.

shout out to Destinee Valadez.. a star Oaks Christian Student (haha love her), for winning a trip to Uganda by having a heart to serve, and a willingness to make a difference! 

I'm on a mission to raise money for an awesome cause: please read!

God's given us one life, Why not use it? Life is but a breath, why not live it fully? Im encouraged through invisible children to look beyond myself and help a cause that is so necessary, with your help that can flourish even more. If you are looking at this page, please simply pray for these kids, these lives that are in danger and if you feel compelled I would love a donation. thank YOU. :) [haley.downey]

Thank you for supporting me as I raise money and awareness for the thousands of children in central Africa who have been abducted by Joseph Kony and his rebel army. The money I raise will fund The Invisible Children Protection Plan -- a strategy to protect innocent people from the brutal violence of the LRA.

I will be participating in Invisible Children's national awareness event called 25, on April 25th. Thousands around the world will be silent, using our voices (by not using them) to speak out against this 25-year-long war.

Please donate and tell others about my page any way you can: Facebook, Twitter... or even word of mouth (you remember what that is, right? Phone calls. Knocking on doors. Whatever you've gotta do.)

And join me on April 25th, wherever you are, in staying silent for 25 hours. Together, we will put an end to 25 years of war. Sign up at www.invisiblechildren.com

heres my page!you can donate here: http://ic.stayclassy.org/member/ic-fundraising?fcid=61617