"Tent wasn't good enough, the temple wasn't near enough, so Jesus took on human
flesh and then brought HIS temple inside of US. this is a God who keeps getting closer
to HIS people. the bible isn't a search of humanities quest of God... it's a record of
God's quest for Humanity."
Jesus made a permanent decision to DWELL in us every single day, yet it becomes a daily struggle to give him even an hour. Recognizing, especially with that quote, that we are chosen gives me even more reason to love HIM... and not just LOVE him with my words, but with my life that can overflow that love to others every single day.
another quote thats just too good...
"There's a creator and theres a creation, and they are fundamentally distinct. God is the
designer;creation is the designed. go is the definer; creation is the defined. God is independent,
while everything God made is dependent upon him. apart form the creator, creation cannot exist;
apart from creation, however, the creator does exist. Thats the ultimate difference between
creation and its creator. creations needs the creator; the creator does not need the creation."
some more verses im super into: [this is becoming a quote-sharing sesh]
matthew 10:39- 'if you cling to your life, you will lose it, but if you give up your life for me, yo uwill find it.'
galations 2:20- 'my old self has been crucified with Christ, it is no longer i who lives, but christ who lives in me so i live in this body, trusting in the son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.'
thats how ive been encouraged lately :)
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